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Basic object detection in python using OpenCv and Numpy - by Dustbiin

Best 6 free cloud data storage on Internet upto 100 GB - By Dustbiin

Cloud storage for video, image, and documents etc...

In nowadays everyone wants to store their data at any remote location. From which they can access their data remotely from anywhere and any device. 

So, we find out top 6 cloud storage which provides limited space free for everyone-

1) DropBox

Dropbox is the world’s first smart workspace. We bring all your team’s content together while letting you use the tools you love. And we help cut through the clutter, surfacing what matters most.

Free space - Upto 5GB

Link -

2) Box

Box started in 2005 to make it easy to access information from anywhere and collaborate with anyone. While that vision still lies at the core of our business, it has transformed into our mission to power how the world works together. Today, we're proud to call 97,000 companies and 68% of the Fortune 500 our customers — but we're just getting started. As work continues to evolve, we stay focused on delivering innovation to organizations across the globe and blowing our customers' minds every day. Dropbox is the world’s first smart workspace. We bring all your team’s content together while letting you use the tools you love. And we help cut through the clutter, surfacing what matters most.

Free space - Upto 10GB

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3) pCloud

Based in Switzerland, we are a young forward-thinking team doing our best to make a significant impact on the rapidly growing IT market.

At pCloud, we're providing the world with a comprehensive easy-to-use cloud storage solution for individuals and businesses alike. Our approach incorporates the technical point-of-view with the end-user in mind. Other cloud services are either too technical and are not user-friendly, or they are not comprehensive enough for users to get everything they want out of cloud storage.

This is why we founded pCloud in 2013 to combine our strong IT skills with the vibrant creativity of our growing team to create a cloud storage solution that works seamlessly for both individuals and businesses. Box started in 2005 to make it easy to access information from anywhere and collaborate with anyone. While that vision still lies at the core of our business, it has transformed into our mission to power how the world works together. Today, we're proud to call 97,000 companies and 68% of the Fortune 500 our customers — but we're just getting started. As work continues to evolve, we stay focused on delivering innovation to organizations across the globe and blowing our customers' minds every day. Dropbox is the world’s first smart workspace. We bring all your team’s content together while letting you use the tools you love. And we help cut through the clutter, surfacing what matters most.

Free space - Upto 10GB

Link -

4) Google Drive

Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service developed by Google. Launched on April 24, 2012, Google Drive allows users to store files on their servers, synchronize files across devices, and share files.

Free space - Upto 15GB

Link -

5) Mega

MEGA's core is end-to-end encrypted cloud storage and communication. In the future, MEGA will continue to develop innovative products and features that complement its existing platform for both individuals and businesses to help them improve their security on the Internet without compromising on usability.Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service developed by Google. Launched on April 24, 2012, Google Drive allows users to store files on their servers, synchronize files across devices, and share files.

Free space - Upto 50GB

Link -

6) Degoo

Top Secret Cloud Storage-

Degoo offers a world-class cloud storage service for consumers.

Swedish Cloud-

Degoo was founded in Sweden in 2012 and is built with Swedish engineering and entrepreneurship with a global team.

Free space - Upto 100GB

Link -


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