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Basic object detection in python using OpenCv and Numpy - by Dustbiin

Create stop watch in java - by Dustbiin


Create Stopwatch class with start, stop and deference methods -

It is use for find out the execution time of any process explicitly

public class StopWatch
    long   start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long   stop  = 0;
    String title = null;

    public StopWatch( String title )
        this.title = title;

    public long start()
        start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        stop = 0;
        return start;

    public long stop()
        stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
        return stop;

    public long diff()
        if ( stop == 0 )
            return ( System.currentTimeMillis() - start );
        return ( stop - start );

    public static void main( String[] args )
        StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch( "My Stop watch" );
        System.out.println( "Start : " + stopWatch.start() );
        System.out.println( "stop : " + stopWatch.stop() );
        System.out.println( "difference : " + stopWatch.diff() );
        System.out.println( stopWatch.toString() );

    public String toString()
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( title );
        buffer.append( " : Time Taken = " ).append( diff() ).append( " ms." );
        return buffer.toString();


Start : 1590388113871
stop : 1590388113871
difference : 0
My Stop watch : Time Taken = 0 ms.


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